
We are so grateful for the generous donations of individual supporters that enable us to continue and grow the work of English+ in supporting and reaching out to communities new to Norwich.
Would you be willing to support English+ through a regular monthly donation, or a one-off gift?
Click the button below to make a donation online or email us for our bank details if you would prefer to make a direct bank transfer.
This is the difference your donation could make:

pays for a bus pass
allowing an asylum seeker to
travel to an English class

contributes to the
resources needed to teach
English in our sessions

allows us to run social
activities to prevent isolation
and promote integration

contributes to
the cost of running an
English+ session

could buy a vacuum
cleaner for an asylum seeking
family in need

contributes towards the
cost of starting new projects
to support integration
Please note: Online donations will be taken offsite through Stewardship
Corporate Donations
We welcome donations from Churches and other organisations.
Please do contact us at to discuss further.
Registered Charity No 1169790 - Designed By TEN Creative - In association with Norfolk Professional Help