Our Partners

Holy Trinity Church
Trinity Street NR2 2BJ
Holy Trinity has played a significant role in the life of English+, supporting us right from the outset. Today Holy Trinity accommodates our Thursday English class as well as our Chat and Play group for Mums with pre-school children. It also coordinates the popular Tuesday Art and Craft Group. Year after year, the church has provided a wonderful team of volunteers, much needed resources and a warm and welcoming environment for our participants.
“Holy Trinity is delighted to have hosted English+ since it started in 2011 and to partner with the great work being done. It is such an encouragement to see the way that men and women of many nationalities are learning together, being given confidence and support in language learning through the fantastic team, and also to see a number join our local church community, to which their presence is such a gift.”

Norwich Cathedral
The Close, Norwich NR1 4DS
Following on from Bishop Graham becoming our patron in 2021, the Cathedral under his leadership, has offered a meeting place for our Wednesday conversation class. Students attending this group have remarked on the peaceful and beautiful surroundings they find themselves learning in. It feels for many a true place of sanctuary and we are all grateful to our kind hosts and those volunteers serving refreshments each week.
“Norwich Cathedral is delighted to support the excellent work that English+ do. Classes meet here on a weekly basis supported by Cathedral staff and volunteers. There is always a wonderful buzz as both learning and friendship our shared. We look forward to deepening this partnership with English+ as part of our commitment to becoming a Cathedral of Sanctuary and being a place of welcome to all who come.”
St Luke’s Church
61 Aylsham Road, NR3 2HF
St Luke’s supports English+ with a fantastic venue for hosting the Dentaid unit. With the generosity of local donors, we have been able to regularly bring the mobile Dentaid unit to Norwich giving free emergency dental treatment to asylum seekers and refugees.
“The Congregation & Church Council at St Luke’s Parish Church are keen to welcome and assist English+ in their important work. As a Church we seek to show hospitality to the stranger and to build bridges, not walls – which is exactly what English+ was set up to do.”
St Thomas Church
Earlham Road, NR2 3RG
STN Trust has supported English+ as we have grown over the years, and has always shown great generosity in giving to our annual Christmas appeal. The church has also been fantastic in supporting our students through providing volunteering opportunities, allowing them to learn new skills and practice their spoken English.
“The English+ classes have provided many of our STN family the opportunity to regularly support the sessions as well as benefiting from a number of English+ participants volunteering within The Sanctuary Coffee Stop and becoming valued members of our Sanctuary team.”
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